Case analysis
TitaniumMilling Hybrid Dental Implant
The ALL-ON-FOUR/SIX protocol can achieve tooth extraction, implant, and screw-retained within one day without affecting eating and social interaction
Emax Veneer
Chief complaint:dark brown teeth,asking for improvement Present history:complaint,black brown teeth and crowded teeth since childhood,finished correction in an external hospital 2 years ago,came to the hospital for examination Past history:Physical health,orthodontic history,denial of systemic diseases Clinical examination:11-14,21-24,31-34,41-44 brown lip,white neck patch.Tetracycline teeth Design proposal:E-max patch repair
Zirconia Hybrid Dental Implant
Digital dental implantation technology is a safe and accurate method of dental implantation,which is comprehensively applied in dental implant and consider surgery. It is difficult to judge the orientation and site of bone during the implantation surgery. By precise preoperative measurement and planning, and considering the condition of tooth and bone, the implant can be implanted in a better position.