爱尔创 氧化锆

爱尔创作为新一代中高端氧化锆瓷块,具备颜色渐变、透性渐变、断裂韧性渐变、强度渐变,颌面强度达700MPa,颈部强度达1100MPa,既保证强度也不会损伤对颌牙。彻底实现人们对仿真美学修复的需求,是一款能帮您实现美、自然、健康等多重需求的全能型义齿。 生物相容性:全瓷全锆类型的修复生物相容性极佳,可完全排除过敏反应。全瓷牙由于内冠是用瓷体材料,无金属,牙龈边缘无黑线,无厚重感,无牙龈红肿出血现象。 色泽更接近于真牙:由于全瓷牙里外都是瓷体,其色泽,亮度,自然程度都要比普通烤瓷牙更接近于真牙,而色泽显得特别有活性。 适用范围:全锆全口长桥、单冠、嵌体桥(夜磨牙症患者除外)、悬臂桥(夜磨牙症除外且游离端缺失不超过1颗)

Consult us
Product Details
  • Q: What about the shipping cost?
    A: We only pay for one-way shipping. For example, you are responsible for the cost of shipping to us; But we suggest that you can send the data to our email, which can save cost and time;
  • Q: What's your email address? How to send you the order?
    A: Our email address is: szks@hsycjs.com; You can directly submit order data information on our website by clicking Send. It can also be delivered to our address by international logistics:801,No. 28# Xintang Rd, Bao'an Street District,Shenzheng, Guangdong, China;
  • Q: How long is the production cycle?
    A: Our general production cycle is 4 days, implant repair is about 6 days, logistics is about 3 days, so the delivery cycle is about 7-9 days.
  • Q: What materials are using for your dentures?
    A: Hongsheng's products are processed with raw materials that have passed CE and FDA certification, or have passed the registration and filing of medical devices in China.